Monday, January 3, 2011

~: M H O :~ Best Photographs From The Category Space For 2010


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Photos related with the space taken by the astronauts.  You can find out some of the most interesting pictures of the space and photos taken from the space.  The best one is the shadow of Al Bruj Khalifa tower Dubai.  Check out these photos of galaxies, planets and the discovery shuttle and many more.

1. Discovery Shuttle At Sunset

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Space Shuttle Endeavour, the fifth and final space shuttle comes in to land on Feb. 9, 2010 This picture was taken on board the International Space Station. The orange stripe on the black disk of the Earth – is the bottom layer of our atmosphere, the troposphere

2. Spiral Galaxy

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This image of the galaxy away from Earth at a distance 68 million light-years, was made on October 19 with Hubble Space Telescope " . Pink color in this photograph marked the places where stars are emerging.

3. Sun

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This picture was taken by astro photographer Alan Friedman in the yard of his home town of Buffalo, New York. It took use a special hydrogen-alpha filter and a 3.5-inch telescope.

4. Sunspot

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One of the clearest ever images of sunspots was made on August 24 in California observatory.

5. Martian "Forest"

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6. Earth View From Space

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7. The Longest Shadow Of the Tallest Tower

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Earth's tallest skyscraper Burj Khalifa (height 828 m) and its gigantic shadow clearly visible even from space.

8. Spacewalk

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February 17 astronaut Nicholas Patrick is working with "Dome" – a module of the American segment of the International Space Station.

9. Saturn

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Total of 62 satellites of Saturn. Here we see how Dion's April 10 against the backdrop of the Titan (the largest satellite of Saturn). While certain that apart from the Earth, liquid water exists in thesolar system only on Titan.

10. Space Shuttle On The Background Of The Earth

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In this photo you can just consider the bottom of the shuttle, the ISS flies, as well as the robot arm, which has not yet laid in the cargo compartment.

11. Telescope Hubble

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This picture taken by orbiting Hubble telescope, was published April 22 in honor of 20 anniversary of the telescope.

12. Penultimate Flight Of Space Shuttle Atlantis

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This photo was taken on May 17 at the time of docking the shuttle with the ISS. Penultimate (32 th in a row) flight of Atlantis took place from 14 th to 26 th May.

13. Comet McNaught

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This comet photographed Michael Jager of Stiksendorfa, Austria, June 6 in the morning. It is the brightest comet in 40 years, in January and February 2007 in the southern hemisphere, it could be considered just the naked eye, and the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere

14. Manam Volcano Islands

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This island is a huge volcano with a diameter of 10 km almost proper conical shape. Its steep slopes are composed of many layers of hardened lava left from previous eruptions.

15. The Total Solar Eclipse

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This is a total eclipse can be observed July 11, 2010 Mr. Easter Island, southern Chile and Argentina, and in French Polynesia.

16. Beautiful Coma Berenices

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Orbital telescope Hubble photographed on August 10 cluster of galaxies, which bears a beautiful name Coma Berenices. This cluster is separated from the Earth at a distance of 320 light years.

17. Space Nebula

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A snapshot from Hubble Space Telescope "nebula IRAS 05437 2502. This unusual nebula in the constellation Taurus. Its main feature is the bright arc, outlining the upper edge of interstellar dust.

18. Shadows From Saturn's Rings

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Clearly visible shadows cast by Saturn's rings dense clouds of ammonia to the atmosphere. The diameter of Saturn's rings almost 250 000 km, while the thickness of the rings is less than one kilometer.

19. Spiral Galaxies

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These two galaxies, NGC 5426 and NGC 5427 have nearly the same size and are located in the constellation Virgo. Galaxies are very close to each other, but still not close enough to their stars began to collide with each other.

20. Space Spiral

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September 7 orbital telescope Hubble in the infrared has photographed an amazing spiral nebula, almost regular shape.

21. Flight Of The Ship – Space Ship Two

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Private manned suborbital space shuttle «SpaceShipTwo» together with its carrier «White Knight Two» preparing to land on the runway of the American spaceport near Las Cruces on October 22.

22. Flying Space Station

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The International Space Station flying against the moon. The picture was taken in the Hungarian city Guergufalu 75 km from Budapest on October 21.

23. City Lights

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This orbital picture was taken from the observation of the ISS module called "dome" on October 28. The island of Sicily and the peninsula are shining lights of the city nightlife.

24. Space Medusa

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Beautiful object in the center of the image, like a colorful jellyfish – these are two are very close to each other dying stars, depleting their supplies of hydrogen. Stars themselves are indicated in white, their discarded shells – in green and the dust rings are colored orange.

25. Gas Bubble In The Depths Of Space

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Amazingly beautiful gas sphere photographed orbital telescope Hubble. This giant gas bubble is formed as a result of a supernova.

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