Saturday, January 1, 2011

~: M H O :~ Happy New Year 2011


Happy New Year :)

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January enters with a bang
tickles our senses deep within
gives us new dreams and hopes
and new challenges in life to win

Visit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.Org

February brings along the craze
Prompts to hold someone dear
Valentine season and mushy scents
To love fully and live in cheer

Visit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.Org

March brings the breeze so fresh
New leaves and blossoming buds
Announces arrival of days of spring
and grace our life with flower studs

Visit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.Org

April starts with playing pranks
Fooling pals and having fun
Fasting lent and Easter mass
Filing taxes and bathing in sun

Visit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.Org

May teases the sun to grin
Shine and spread around its glow
Rejoice in love and express it aloud
Unfurl the secrets and let them know

Visit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.Org

June flags and flashes the note
Barks aloud that summer is here
pledge to retain the natural beauty
And global warming to re-engineer

Visit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.Org

July begins the second half
Tells that time is ticking away
Its still time to make your resolve
And employ fully each new day

Visit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.Org

August brings the colors of fall
Reminding us the circle of life
What grows and lives finally rests
So live each moment in love not strife

Visit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.Org

September marches kids back to school
For lessons to learn and practice along
make them humble and make them wise
better the guild to which they belong

Visit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.Org

October declares this quarter is last
To trick or treat or work more hard
To believe the fact that good prevails
And evils perish and are caught off-guard

Visit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.Org

November brings the reason to meet
Families unite and together they dine
Festivals of lights and hugs to spread
To share and care and not to whine

Visit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.Org

December bells the message of hope
The star is shining and path is bright
Another year is waiting for you
To embrace and cherish, and make wrongs right.

Visit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.Org

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