My dearest Gentleman Mr.Shail,
Hope you keep well,
I really appreciate your writing skills ( I mean it really). But your skill being used for unwanted / counterfeit matters !!
Writing in detail or in a professional way will not convert true to false or false to true , it is for your kind information,
And here in your reply it is the same, again you repeated as what I said earlier also ..only the difference here is you are trying to implement your agenda in more diplomatically and in detail than before , that 's all.. and the purpose remains the same dear .
I understood what here again you are trying to prove or what is your political stand ! I did not want to reply to your detailed response to my mail because it was the same as I said as your first mail , it shows what is your intention !! See , your reply to my mail is not an explanation rather your hidden agenda is given in detail which is Anti Congress / UPA . Because if it is not political then I noticed you have highlighted names of those who were not attacking congress but they were also against system and corruption in their writings.. KINDLY NOTE THAT ...but you don't accept that you wanted them to attack congress / UPA as well !!
What else you want my gentleman Shail no one here including me support the corruption and every one on this subject wrote yet against the corruption and the system but some of us found out many of yours hidden political agenda so we did not / don't allow you all to take the political advantage that 's it , and here again you have praised Baba ramdev ..saying that he had given yoga to UK parliamentarian and etc .. so what ? every culprits use their skills to be established .. then only their intention will do and can take the advantage you are praising Rama Dev .. you are doing wrong .. what you think if you keep on brain wash as per your wish people will trust it !! may be there are people to follow you and we call them as 'like minded people' we never can change those attitudes.
For making others more convinced I or anyone can also keep on telling / writing that " I wished BJP to rule , and am not a congress minded , believe me am a true Indian against the system and corruption , my father and grand father was a freedom fighter and congress man we always voted congress and we are here to talk about only corruption and system not the religion or politics etc.." "" come on my dears no one is there to digg out your history or what you said is true or false so simply talk no probs ..... BUT - A BIG BUT AS it is a TARGETED write up from some of you with one purpose and pls don't think that others can't understand who and what is your real intention is hidden everywhere in your writing !!
Here one Mr.Harshal Mehta has written good in short .. and Gentleman Shail your reply is not enough to prove your side dear .. and please see the way the anti UPA and Congress people saying , I feel sympathy on them as they are saying all the credit goes to media and the public !!! come on my friends .. if the party was some other party then would it have happened you think ? even though as per you due to the influence of media and public ?? no ways .. !so I have a kind request to you all to have an attitude of acceptance ..
I don't want to drag the subject to any other issue than saying again and again in stead of criticism you all find the goodness as well ..! at present we are growing country and even in UN we have now voice, now our words are accepted before other nations .. pls don't spoil all these by supporting Baba Ram dev like culprits .. think it is for some ones political or communal gain they are doing it , in directly we are destroying our country .. pls don't bring our good nation before other nations like Libya , Egypt , Yemen etc..
Some of the mails I saw the height of intolerance , no probs .. one of our member "vip4u4ever" ( ) even said "agar tum mere samne hote to mai tumhara muh tod deta " and there was no one from MHO / MHG even to correct him ..!! it's ok I considered him as a little boy, I ignored it with it's all value he deserved.
Here in MHO / MHG on any subject brought by anyperson will be welcomed and accepted but at the same time their political / communal hidden agenda will be objected & questioned too.
Finally I take this opportunity to appreciate each and everyone including Sandeep , Abey , Koolz guy , Harshal mehta & saleemuddin syed , Haris, Georgeous Beautiful , Rubyna Sayyd ,Munawar, Ajay Kumar , Hiren Somaiya , Dude A ,for their views and thoughts for the nation regardless of the politics.
Hoping for the best,
Friendly In MHO & MHG,
Chessil Ramapuram
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 8:44 PM, ~^ShAiLeNdRa SiNgH^~ <> wrote:
Note :Fight is not about party , its against the system & corruption , people who are trying to give it a political space / religious are not un-biased thinkers , they are accusing others of being motivated , however they are self indulged in such thinking.Here i will respond to Sandeep , Abey , Koolz guy , Harshal mehta & my dear innocent fiend saleemuddin syed one by one.SandeepAwesome , atleast this news channel showed something different.At one place government is saying that we didnot want such people to sit there and do satygrah , as per the so called real story presented by you , it says someone was going to bomb the venue. Its for you to decide who is wrong & who is correct. The word riot is been extensively used by the current government over the last 7 years , so that a panic can be created & they can easliy blame the opposition parties for it. Everybody is saying about how black money is created.Does people have any choice other than to pay for things which they need on that particular time? I agree its not just about government , every single person should try to avoid corrupt means , the problem has been that nobody who has been invlolved in corruption so far has been prosecuted hard , so practise became very common.To get a passport , to get birth & death certificates , get government schemes , now if you step out of your home there are vampires waiting for you to eat away your hard earned money, many people fear for their lives , its not just a fear , many people have been killed because they faught against such people , nobody got prosecuted , nothing happens after that, people get so easliy.Issue here is - you don't have proper monitering of money which government or private body spends daily.Although we have agencies like CAG which does audit every year , but our government do not take the recomendation of CAG simply because they can't force their own breed (politician) into hell.When CAG said that 2G scam is in mutli crore , kapil sibbal said its baseless & its false.War was against corruption , why the hell everyone is so disturbed if the opposition party is heating the issue , that is what is democracy , strong opposition is always required to stop government from doing , what they are doing now.Anyone , it really doesnt matter who is raising his voice , fight against corruption is not a party based agenda ,its for the people of India.
AbeyBaba ramdev doesnt need any popularity , he has even taught yoga to UK parliamantarians , peopel all across the globe are fan of ramdev , as i said earlier , the issue of black money which you guys are lsitning now , he is raising his voice from last 3 years , now if government & supporters of congress woke up 3 days back , its not our fault. The people who follow baba ramdev know that he ahs been fighting for the issue for so long & when the government did nothing & slept over the issue , it was then he announced his fast.Baba ramdev's anshan was planend long back , it was not planned after the success of Anna hazare.You also said , "thousand of sons and daughters of the country wouldn't have brutally been murdered in Gujarat by his supporters" - why the hell people from only one community get counted when it comes to godhra , yes the riot was unfortunate , but you should not forget , people from both the communities were killed , secular india you are talking about always exist , but congress & their supporter always create fear in the mind of people so they can continue getting the community based vote bank.when you said about particular group accumulating money , specify the name so the people would know , whom you are talking about , incase you are talking about baba ramdev , the land he has is for total Auyrvedic cultivation , the yogpeeth he has its for teaching yoga to the people , auyrvedic cultivation needs proper temprature to grow , you might not be benefitted by his care / medicine / yog , but millions are happy with the job he has done for mankind.You are also saying not even government dares to investigate , so is it my fault ? Thats what he is saying , start the procedure to bring black money back to india , what steps were taken by the government when bank from germany has given details of people who have huge amount of money in their banks , declare such people "DESH DROHI" , give them the hardest punishment which is possible , i am not able to understand , we all share the same views , however now just because he is not a fluent english speaker , wears a Kesariya color dress , with a long beared , we should not show support towards him????The question of religion , color etc etc has been always brought by the congress so that the issue can be diverted, how does it matter whoz raising the issue , what matter is , whats the issue ? the drive was to bring back black money , how did religion figured out here ? Because people from congress started commenting that its a religious campaign.We all want a peaceful India , a succesful India & a strong India , unfortunately current leadership is dull.Koolz GuyWhat is BJP suppose to do , what does a political party is supposed to do , if congress would have been on the other place , they would have done the same thing, whats so nonsense about it ? Where are you boss ? UPA has alays taken the so called action after its been proved by the documents & published across news channel.For ex - Its almost a week when Documents have exposed that Maran is involved in 2G scam , he is still sitting , all the media is creating pressure along with opposition party , now action taken after so many days , is called "NO OPTION LEFT".Action will be taken when pressure will be unbearable then all of you will say that Aaah that is action against corruption.As i said , whoever is corrupt , it should not matter to us that which particular party he or she belongs too , bring proofs and prosecute in court of law. File a case in high court & start action , whoz stopping you. "PROMPT ACTION" , Joke of the day , you need to read my email where i have given sequence of events on all scams.Now you are saying ANNA & team are supporter of BJP , how sad that you are also one of the those people who are purely biased on the steps taken by government. Do you really know who are the memebers in civil society , Swami Agnivesh , Santosh hegde who are biggest opposer of BJP , you know it right ? Please read my email earlier about annaji.Baba i agreed that no law can be made in 1 day , same words were used by our dear Lawyer cum politician Kapil Sibbal, i would like to ask him & you , should it take 63 long years ? Why 7 years back .India didnot signed the UN's convention against corruption , who stopped them ??? this was actually done so the countries can exhancge information on tax evaders , why Government of India didnot sign it , think about it.As you said , You are not a congress man , i am not a BJP man or something , but i can't sleep now , enough of sleep , enough of slow and sluggish behaviour of government agencies , you can afford to wait for another 63 years , we can't.
Harshal MehataCorruptionYour first statement is the exact replica of PM's speech in parliament when he finally agreed to order a JPC after a complete session of parliament was washed out and another session was in danger of getting washed away.Yes they never said NO to lok pal bill .Fact of the matter is - They didnt want a concrete law , have you read the Govrenment's draft on lokpal bill ? Have you read the Jan lokpal bill draft suggested by Civil socirty members ?Where are you boss ? government was never in a mood to discuss this with anyone , again its not about one party , congress or bjp , both have corrupt people , so a politician can not make a tough law for another politician , that was the reason , Jan lokpal bill draft suggested by Anna & team wants every single person under the perview of Lokpal , whats wrong about it ? they want all the conferences to be telecasted live to the people of India , whats wrong about it ?If government was so clean & had nothing to hide , why they didnt accepted the demand of JPC at first place , but PM was hidding the truth , i have given the details in my previous email that how PM retracted from his statements & hwo he tried to save Raja on floor of the house.All the action taken was under immense pressure & proof.
Now a patent line which i listen from the dear congress lovers - what did BJP did .You should be ashmed of yourself that you are comparing the regim of party which ruled for 6 years from ap arty which ruled for more than 50 years.
Do you know who is rulling in India from last 7 years , if you are not aware of that i would like to tell you that its congress led UPA , so stop asking what BJP did , you have been in power from more number years than any other party.
Baba Ramdev issueMy dear friend , if you and congress led UPA knew about that , why did they allow him to gather people , delhi police gave permission , signed by Delhi government , everyone was aware the baba ramdev will start his fast , so that is clear example of how our dear government take things seriously , you should have stopped before he sat in dharna.You really need to correct your data , because papers show that the ground was booked for entire month for which rental amount was paid well in advance.Let me tell you some more facts :-6.50 pm - Kapil sibbal was holding the conference , walked out with a phone call.
7.00 pm - Baba ramdev told that government has accpeted all the demands.
7.10 pm - when kapil sibbal got news that ramdev has declared this , he showed the colors of true politician, poor baba ramdev thought that fighting with politicians is an easy job , we all know how our politicians are , they took the letter from baba ramdev signed by balakrishna that we want to show this to PM , so that he can assure you that all the demands are met , the way it was projected that it was a deal , it was not a deal , they were disguised and fooled , sadhu ka dimag kitna chalega politicians ke saamne.So that is called betryal , but since these are indian politicians who can ditch their own party when time comes , so ditching baba ramdev is possible.Now just because you got up late doesnt mean the campaign started today ,he has been raising his voice on issue of black money from last 3 years , please read my previous email properly.4 union ministers reach airport for welcome is a work of sensible government right , truth is that government was not sure that the campaign will grab so much attention.Swiss banksI think yo need to read the newspapers on daily basis , as said earlier government didnt take any action when the bank from germany ahs given the list.For your kind information , 1 month back , Swiss bank officials have gone on records to say that we have been trying to help indian government , we asked some specific questions so that we can provide them partial details of such people , hwoever government has not responded to them for so long.Nobody use their mind .Why would i need to talk about BJP ?
Who is rulling today in India?
Who has ruled most years in India?Thats what we need to understand that , congress is projecting it as a war of political parties , but its a war of common man.Why do we chose government ?
Why we all gave UPA a second chance?There was a hope.Why this agitation ?
Why price rise?
Why rise in petroleum products ?Because government has became egosistic & booly , they know in last 2 years we will give all candies & chocos to poor people who will vote for us , For teh first 3 years lets loot.Fight against corruption is against the government and not congress , there are many congress man whom i know are clean , but governments as a whoel is corrupt.
Saleemuddin syedSaleem , i know you boss , last time i told you facts and didnot respond back because everyone ran away from facts , i am not like that , you have facts , i will respect it , simply talking nonsense cant be understood.why don't you reply to my email and try to put your points that this particluar instance you are wrong, bring up facts , shailendra will accpet it.You spoke about George Fernandez's coffin scam was one scam when i felt bad & when congress came in power i was damn sure that George fernandez will not be spared , congress will not loose this opposrtunity to corner BJP , what happened after that ? No proof? NO substances , all talks ? in 7 year of rule , did the CBI or government found a single proof , sorry to say and more to your dislike , NOTHING.The terror mentality which always spread by congress to create fear in people's mind to kept gaining votes of blind people who cant differenciate between a social demand & a political demand.Not a single proof on the claims made by you have come out so far.Did kasab was alone when he attacked the polic officers , there were total of 8-10 terrorists , the bullet jackets were a waste (of no use) , terrorists were carrying AK 47 and indian police had , single bullet firring machines , that was the reason they were unable to stop lack sense as well as knowledge.How different are you from Antulaye & pakistan (media & politicians) , you are so influenced by the theories of pakistan that you have joined hands with them.Now when you named Sadhvi Pragya , do you where is she? She is behind bars , do you know , or still sleeping.????Swami Aseemanand , you know where is he ? fortunately he is also behind bars with a solid case from CBI.It was not saffron parties who arrested these people , are you aware or not ? It was the congress government , do you know that or not ?There are total 2 reports on Godhra riots (with had told that people from both the communties were killed), for your kind information , Nanavati commission- proof has been secured of keroscene traces , other says Banerjee commission- fire being an accident which resulted out of cooking being carried within the carriage.Last time we spoke you were giving altogether a new & ugly story of your own , ofcourse someone would have told you and you accepted without even knowing what was there in these reports.How sad.The kind of mentality is hard to change because i am not a biased person , i treat topics on merit , if something is correct , it doesnt matter who's rasing it , issue needs to solved finally.India has seen rule of congress , let me know one single reform which is fool proof and goverment should be thanked for their efforts , scheme that 100% or close to 100% are good? Let me know , as i seems to be knowing nothing till now.Don't create religious nonsense when the fight is against corruption & black money.RegardsShail
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