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Going by dictionary meaning:-
Corruption as a definition means The act of changing, or of being changed, for the worse / departure from what is pure, simple, or correct / Something that is evil but is supposed to be good / loss of purity or integrity.
Corruption is the symptom of a disease that has as its progenitors over-centralization of power, non-transparency in all government functions and lack of accountability.
Current state :-
India is ranked 85 out of a 179 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index.
Special Types :-
It can be of many types but two of its kind is more severe than the other ones,here we will look into first one :-
1) Political Corruption
2) Corporate Corruption
The most dangerous being the political corruption as it ultimately gives way to all possible types of corruption in the society.
Confession - Most important :-
In India, corruption is something we all learn to live with. If there is corruption in society, each one of us is responsible. It is wrong to blame the system. Why do we separate ourselves from the system? Don't we vote the corrupt to power? Don't we endlessly suffer from all deprivations and refuse to raise our voice? And then when it becomes too much, we crib.
The fact remains that the individual can certainly not shirk responsibility. For the individual is the smallest unit in this complex web of interrelationships we call 'society'. If we are all interconnected, how can a minority (or a majority, as the case might be) only be responsible for a phenomenon as widespread as corruption?
Great spiritual master, Sri Aurobindo has interpreted egalitarianism to mean dharma. He Says : "Both rights and duties are European ideas. Dharma is the Indian concept in which rights and duties regain their deep and eternal unity. Dharma is the basis of democracy.Perhaps it is the loss of this sense of dharma that has rendered values in public life redundant. Nothing is sacred anymore.
The fear of God is gone, and so is the fear of law. Few are caught and fewer convicted-of every 100 corruption related crimes, only about six are finally convicted. All this has made corruption a 'high-profit low-risk business
Koda, the former Chief Minister of Jharkhand, who is alleged to have looted Rs 4,000 crore from the state.He is just a tip of the iceberg. Indeed, I cannot think of a single politician who has put behind bars for corruption.
Start With a thought - Who is responsible :-
We might begin by asking ourselves: Am I incorruptible? If an opportunity comes my way, would I desist? It is easy to be a person of steadfast integrity until a temptation presents itself. What if... will I... may be... only if nobody got to know... only if I needed the money for something urgent... only if it were a life-and-death matter... Carry on.
We, the voters of the country, are as much to blame. We donât demand accountability. We keep voting back to power the same folks who keep ripping us off. And in all this, we stay a poor country - waiting forever for the date with destiny.
But common man is not the only responsible entity of a corrupt society. I don't blame the man who shells out money so that he doesn't have to spend half his day in a queue at the municipal office. Dont blame the people for these queues but Are we short of staff in an overpopulated country with a large section educated but unemployed?
Today, the number of ministers with an honest image can be counted on fingers. At one time, bribe was paid for getting wrong things done but now bribe is paid for getting right things done at right time.
Causes of corruption:-
The causes of corruption are many and complex. Following are some of the causes of corruption.
-> Emergence of political elite who believe in interest-oriented rather than nation-oriented programmes and policies.
-> Artificial scarcity created by the people with malevolent intentions wrecks the fabric of the economy.
-> Corruption is caused as well as increased because of the change in the value system and ethical qualities of men who administer. The old ideals of morality, service and honesty are regarded as an achronistic.
-> Tolerance of people towards corruption, complete lack of intense public outcry against corruption and the absence of strong public forum to oppose corruption allow corruption to reign over people.
-> Vast size of population coupled with widespread illiteracy and the poor economic infrastructure lead to endemic corruption in public life.
-> In a highly inflationary economy, low salaries of government officials compel them to resort to the road of corruption. Graduates from IIMs with no experience draw a far handsome salary than what government secretaries draw.
-> Complex laws and procedures alienate common people to ask for any help from government.
-> Election time is a time when corruption is at its peak level. Big industrialist fund politicians to meet high cost of election and ultimately to seek personal favour. Bribery to politicians buys influence, and bribery by politicians buys votes. In order to get elected, politicians bribe poor illiterate people, who are slogging for two timesââ¬â¢ meal.
Concluding with a huge responsibility..... :-
Is it possible to contain corruption in our society? Corruption is a cancer, which every Indian must strive to cure. Many new leaders when come into power declare their determination to eradicate corruption but soon they themselves become corrupt and start amassing huge wealth.
Corruption is like diabetes, can only be controlled, but not totally eliminated. It may not be possible to root out corruption completely at all levels but it is possible to contain it within tolerable limits. Honest and dedicated persons in public life, control over electoral expenses could be the most important prescriptions to combat corruption. Corruption has a corrosive impact on our economy. It worsens our image in international market and leads to loss of overseas opportunities. Corruption is a global problem that all countries of the world have to confront, solutions, however, can only be home grown. We have tolerated corruption for so long. The time has now come to root it out from its roots.
Corruption as a definition means The act of changing, or of being changed, for the worse / departure from what is pure, simple, or correct / Something that is evil but is supposed to be good / loss of purity or integrity.
Corruption is the symptom of a disease that has as its progenitors over-centralization of power, non-transparency in all government functions and lack of accountability.
Current state :-
India is ranked 85 out of a 179 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index.
Special Types :-
It can be of many types but two of its kind is more severe than the other ones,here we will look into first one :-
1) Political Corruption
2) Corporate Corruption
The most dangerous being the political corruption as it ultimately gives way to all possible types of corruption in the society.
Confession - Most important :-
In India, corruption is something we all learn to live with. If there is corruption in society, each one of us is responsible. It is wrong to blame the system. Why do we separate ourselves from the system? Don't we vote the corrupt to power? Don't we endlessly suffer from all deprivations and refuse to raise our voice? And then when it becomes too much, we crib.
The fact remains that the individual can certainly not shirk responsibility. For the individual is the smallest unit in this complex web of interrelationships we call 'society'. If we are all interconnected, how can a minority (or a majority, as the case might be) only be responsible for a phenomenon as widespread as corruption?
Great spiritual master, Sri Aurobindo has interpreted egalitarianism to mean dharma. He Says : "Both rights and duties are European ideas. Dharma is the Indian concept in which rights and duties regain their deep and eternal unity. Dharma is the basis of democracy.Perhaps it is the loss of this sense of dharma that has rendered values in public life redundant. Nothing is sacred anymore.
The fear of God is gone, and so is the fear of law. Few are caught and fewer convicted-of every 100 corruption related crimes, only about six are finally convicted. All this has made corruption a 'high-profit low-risk business
Koda, the former Chief Minister of Jharkhand, who is alleged to have looted Rs 4,000 crore from the state.He is just a tip of the iceberg. Indeed, I cannot think of a single politician who has put behind bars for corruption.
Start With a thought - Who is responsible :-
We might begin by asking ourselves: Am I incorruptible? If an opportunity comes my way, would I desist? It is easy to be a person of steadfast integrity until a temptation presents itself. What if... will I... may be... only if nobody got to know... only if I needed the money for something urgent... only if it were a life-and-death matter... Carry on.
We, the voters of the country, are as much to blame. We donât demand accountability. We keep voting back to power the same folks who keep ripping us off. And in all this, we stay a poor country - waiting forever for the date with destiny.
But common man is not the only responsible entity of a corrupt society. I don't blame the man who shells out money so that he doesn't have to spend half his day in a queue at the municipal office. Dont blame the people for these queues but Are we short of staff in an overpopulated country with a large section educated but unemployed?
Today, the number of ministers with an honest image can be counted on fingers. At one time, bribe was paid for getting wrong things done but now bribe is paid for getting right things done at right time.
Causes of corruption:-
The causes of corruption are many and complex. Following are some of the causes of corruption.
-> Emergence of political elite who believe in interest-oriented rather than nation-oriented programmes and policies.
-> Artificial scarcity created by the people with malevolent intentions wrecks the fabric of the economy.
-> Corruption is caused as well as increased because of the change in the value system and ethical qualities of men who administer. The old ideals of morality, service and honesty are regarded as an achronistic.
-> Tolerance of people towards corruption, complete lack of intense public outcry against corruption and the absence of strong public forum to oppose corruption allow corruption to reign over people.
-> Vast size of population coupled with widespread illiteracy and the poor economic infrastructure lead to endemic corruption in public life.
-> In a highly inflationary economy, low salaries of government officials compel them to resort to the road of corruption. Graduates from IIMs with no experience draw a far handsome salary than what government secretaries draw.
-> Complex laws and procedures alienate common people to ask for any help from government.
-> Election time is a time when corruption is at its peak level. Big industrialist fund politicians to meet high cost of election and ultimately to seek personal favour. Bribery to politicians buys influence, and bribery by politicians buys votes. In order to get elected, politicians bribe poor illiterate people, who are slogging for two timesââ¬â¢ meal.
Concluding with a huge responsibility..... :-
Is it possible to contain corruption in our society? Corruption is a cancer, which every Indian must strive to cure. Many new leaders when come into power declare their determination to eradicate corruption but soon they themselves become corrupt and start amassing huge wealth.
Corruption is like diabetes, can only be controlled, but not totally eliminated. It may not be possible to root out corruption completely at all levels but it is possible to contain it within tolerable limits. Honest and dedicated persons in public life, control over electoral expenses could be the most important prescriptions to combat corruption. Corruption has a corrosive impact on our economy. It worsens our image in international market and leads to loss of overseas opportunities. Corruption is a global problem that all countries of the world have to confront, solutions, however, can only be home grown. We have tolerated corruption for so long. The time has now come to root it out from its roots.
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