Tuesday, February 22, 2011

~: M H O :~ Hye to all of you from your forgotten friend


I am Sonia, silent member of this group , working as manager HR with one MNC. Long back i was bit active with this group by sharing mails and good topics but somehow i missed that all due to shortage of time , but i admire a lot the topics and feelings friends share here.
Here after reading the poetry i cant stop my self in appreciating the wording and feeling which writer has put in this.  Many congratulations budy ...keep it up.
Its true we all not not perfect 100% , but life can be wonderful if we start seeing others positive points and admiring them.
All the good luck and lots admire to all the friends here.

--- On Wed, 2/23/11, !!Sweet Sour!! <swtsr8@gmail.com> wrote:

From: !!Sweet Sour!! <swtsr8@gmail.com>
Subject: ~: M H O :~ !! I'm Sorry I'm Not Perfect !!
To: mumbaihangout@yahoogroups.com, "Mumai HunGama" <mumbaihungama@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2011, 5:22 AM


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